May/24 Highlights; System Stability, Monitoring Improvements, and Advanced Application Deployment

June 18, 2024

In May our infrastructure management team accomplished more than 100 tasks related to monitoring improvements, deployments, database management and more. This article delves into the work accomplished, highlighting the team's proactive approach to managing different infrastructures for our partners.

Infrastructure and Environment Setup

Last month, we made significant improvements in setting up and optimizing infrastructure environments to enhance performance and reliability for our clients.

Related Tasks

  • Addressing issues with integrating new SPK prod nodes into the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Transitioning the OTC DM Prod setup to Azure for better scalability and reliability.
  • Implementing and adjusting environments like Bootstrap and API live on stage to ensure proper operational configurations.
  • Enhancing staging components, implementing Single Sign-On, and documenting VPN setups to bolster security and access management.

Support and System Maintenance

We focused on maintaining systems stability and enhancing the monitoring frameworks to ensure uninterrupted service for all our partners.

Related Tasks

  1. Reviewing and implementing improvements in alarm lists, integrating Redis metrics into CloudWatch, and creating dashboards for critical monitoring.
  2. Addressing specific deployment issues and troubleshooting failures in environments such as the Wiechert DEV-i and API deployment issues, ensuring smooth operational continuity.

Application Development and Deployment

Advancements continued in application development and deployment processes, refining existing systems.

Related Tasks

  • Developing solutions for deploying Lambdas via CI, deploying AI-CFM & GNI services into pre-production environments, and migrating CMS queue workloads to Kubernetes.
  • Resolving issues with Bitbucket Runner in production and upgrading deprecated APIs to enhance deployment capabilities and system security.

System Upgrades and Optimization

Efforts last month also included numerous system upgrades and configuration optimizations to keep pace with technological advancements and growing client demands, including:

Related Tasks

  1. Upgrading Redis to version 7.1 and MariaDB instance types in production to boost database performance and reliability.
  2. Configuring AWS SES for better integration and finalizing tracing setups to improve monitoring and debugging processes.

Those were the key achievements in May for our clients.

Stay tuned for the June updates and if you need a free infrastructure audit, Book a Call now!

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